Dick Blow: Conservatives have more fun

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at rawbw.com
Fri Feb 7 17:38:44 PST 2003

``...These young warriors of the right celebrated their opposition to the mainstream, and while their acting out was often hurtful and destructive -- bashing gays and tearing down anti-apartheid shanties -- they were also entertaining, outrageous and fearless. I'll never forget my right-wing Yale classmate who disrupted a seminar on Vietnam (led by a leftie grad student) by blasting Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries"...''


Ah, yes, it was nothing more than good clean fun. They were so daring, upbeat, entertaining and fearless these young Republicans. Yes, nothing to get all up-tight about. They triumphed beyond their wildest dreams because they were just more fun. So now, here we are with these same upbeat, happy go lucky rich boys, grown to middle age, just as bright eyed, positive and optimistic as they ever were, only now they control the government.

As they prepare to meet their great nemesis of the Islamic world, ready to spread freedom, free enterprise, and all that wholesome Christian stuff everywhere they touch down, like Tinker Bell's magic dust, allow me to offer them a graphic---a toast as it were for a good send off.

If the only good rightwing Republican is a dead one, the best righwing Republican is a charred corpse with its mouth open, making a gargling sound as my urine fills the blackened reservor and bubbles over the cracked lips in a foamy broth drowning the flies who have taken up residence in the rotting pulp.

My toast to the Right. Slake your thirst on that, and may it be the last sound you ever make.

All in good clean fun of course.

Chuck Grimes

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