RES: Reasons to support war on Iraq

Alexandre Fenelon afenelon at
Fri Feb 7 20:47:14 PST 2003

Some of these reasons could justify wars against Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba etc. etc. We will have a uninterrupted, permanent state of wars and war mongering.

-To some extent this is already happening. The US will attack Iraq and is -threatening NK. Iran was included in the axis of evil and we don´t know -what are the US plans. What I mean is that US imperialism eventually can -harm itself by weakening US power. Already the US is involved in a -imperial adventure in Afghanistan whose results we don´t know yet.

This will also end of prospects of autonomous development of capitalism in the so-called Third World that Alexandre belives in.

-If the final result is the weakening of the US, then we could have those -prospects improved. It depends on how the US manage its interventionism -(and I think Bush and Co will probably mismanage US military power).


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