Arms inspectors vote on BBC

Steven McGraw stmcgraw at
Tue Feb 11 08:53:47 PST 2003

At 11:40 AM 2/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>> Most US-ers are ignorant and arogant
>> buffoons who will use every opportunity to show their superiority by
>> "kicking butt." They love Bush an cannot wait for his invasion of Iraq,
>> so they vicariously participate in this "butt kicking" and then feel
>> superior about themselves.
>Most of my relatives, who are quite conservative, have tremendous
>apprehension about Bush's war. And I've no doubt this is true throughout the
>country. Indeed, I get no sense of "bloodlust" coming from the heartland,
>but you do see it among educated elites and their media outlets. Yet, I know
>for some here, the picture of the knuckle-dragging Amur'can is quite
>comforting in the face of so much uncertainty.

Three cheers for DP! Why doesn't LBO call Woj on the carpet more often for his intellectually lazy and morally disgusting American-bashing?

(notice i didn't say 'america bashing')

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