> DaddyShrub used this tactic last time, to scare everybody into believing
> was going to be a long, protracted, bloody war. It was a tactic for
> drumming up support for the war: we must support or boys. Then it wound up
> being a turkey shoot. This worked out so well on many levels, for the War
> Party, that it wasn't even funny. . .
> If memory serves, opposition to GWI was up around 80-90% in January that
> year. I pulled a file out of storage, but I never kept any info on polls.
> But that's what sticks in my memory. anyone else recall the numbers?
Oppostion to GWI was deeper than is generally conceded. It was the most intense political phase of my life -- I was directly involved in not only antiwar activities, but mass media engagement. Lots of it. So while Daddy Bush drilled Iraq, I met and talked to people across the spectrum, from different classes. And if you spoke to people directly and honestly for ten minutes, their support for Bush wavered. They didn't have the information, and really didn't trust what they were being fed. But they were also wary of antiwar types, so it took some convincing -- yet, most times, they agreed with you more than they didn't.
I think this time around there's less convincing to be done.