Becker & Lerner on KPFA News

steve philion philion at
Wed Feb 12 00:10:12 PST 2003

I listened to this. It seemed to me that Lerner really had little to go on. My guess is that he wants to hear a certain Zionist perspective that jibes with his. His remark about the Arab headdress wasn't very cool, what is wrong with that? But that's trivial. If Adam Shapiro or Lenni Brenner or Norman Finkelstein were asked to talk at the rally, or Noam Chomsky, god forbid!, I think Lerner would still feel upset that his brand of Zionism was denied a platform, and he would contend that such speakers were "anti-Israel"...I don't imagine a scenario aside from letting Lerner speak that would satisfy him. Nor would it satisfy the mainstream media. Next it would be Todd Gitlin who was denied first admendment rights. Then it would be Leo Casey....and countless others who spend most of their energy criticising the movement. Anyhow, Lerner will be getting lots of interviews this weekend as the media look for an angle to smear the anti-war protest organizers...and the anti-war movement in general. Anyone wanna make bets on when he'll be on Oreilly?


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