Diverse movement(s) (was: Re: The Lerner Affair

LouPaulsen LouPaulsen at attbi.com
Wed Feb 12 17:50:20 PST 2003

----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Henwood" <dhenwood at panix.com>

> Chuck0 wrote:
> >How about a statement that people can sign that promotes the ideo of
> >multiplicity and the idea of unity through diversity?
> I could sign something like that, but is your idea of diversity
> diverse enough to include ANSWER?
> Doug

Doug, Chuck0 has an even worse problem: -I- would sign the statement. THEN where would he be? I have been arguing for the whole last year that nobody is in control of the movement, nobody -can- control it, that's what a real movement is, it's very diverse, new people are coming into it all the time, and so on. If someone wants to say 'many movements' where I would say 'a diverse movement with a lot of currents', I have no problem, it's a semantic point as far as I'm concerned.

The man is just as much hipped about ANSWER 'controlling the movement' as Bush is about Iraq's links with al-Qaeda, and with just about as much grounding in the real world.


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