Those folks are also have interviewed for The Spotlight/American Free Press, hardly progressive publications. <URL: > During Saviors’ Day, the NOI’s annual convention celebrating the birth of NOI founder Master Fard Muhammad, Farrakhan invited Rabbi David Weiss of Neturei Karta(a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews with a record of hostility to Israel and Zionism) to speak. Weiss repeatedly attacked Zionism and Israel, telling the crowd that the Holocaust was punishment on the Jewish people for trying to establish the State of Israel. Neturei Kartamembers also showed up at the MFM.
-- Michael Pugliese
"Without knowing that we knew nothing, we went on talking without listening to
each other. Sometimes we flattered and praised each other, understanding that
we would be flattered and praised in return. Other times we abused and shouted
at each other, as if we were in a madhouse." -Tolstoy