Using the "UN Process" to Help Organize a Massacre--Ed Herman

Peter K. peterk.enteract at
Thu Feb 20 17:52:24 PST 2003

>> You've attacked me a few times now and perhaps it's my
>> midwestern backwardness but I can't get worked up over a
>> guy named Sergio. Makes me think of tight-fitting Sergio
>> Valenti designer jeans or of guys who drive around on
>> Vespas saying "chow" in a sexy voice.
>Sweet. It's nice to see you are finally out of the closet.
>no Onan

Yes Onan. First fat-baiting and now gay-baiting. For shame. Matter of fact I am straight - and single, LOBster ladies ; ) By the way, why is LBO-list *such* a sausage fest?


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