white trash

Steven McGraw stmcgraw at vt.edu
Mon Feb 24 10:02:17 PST 2003

Wow. Four Gen-yoo-wine workers. With photos so you know they're real trailer-trash types too.

>seems to suggest that white trash

lovely. who's bigotted? oh, right. they are.

>In the times like this, I love capitalism

an admirable sentiment

>any progressive
>minded person in this country should send them a hearthly "fuck you" and
>direct them to ask their president to reward them for their patriotism.

My best friend of 10 years is a marine. The core announced stop-gap and fitted him for his desert cammys right before he came home for christmas last year, months before his hitch was supposed to end. He's in communications. On the list of priority targets in a combat situation, he tells me, that's third. So I guess he sends a hearty "fuck you" as well. Oh, and his wife of one year says "fuck you." My little brother just joined the navy, so he says "fuck you" right back. His girlfriend says "fuck you." My parents say "fuck you." Oh, and my uncle is in the service, so he says "fuck you." His children say "fuck you." His wife says "fuck you" too. But you don't care, right? They're not really people anyway. Not like us.

--Steve McGraw, of the West Virginia McGraws, 4th generation white trash

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