Hollywood Publicist to Lead French Wine Boycott
Los Angeles, CA 90024 February 24, 2003
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In response to a strong sense of disgust with France's lack of support of America, prominent Hollywood publicist Michael Levine has agreed to lead a nationwide boycott of French wine in an effort to send a strong signal to both the French government and people.
The boycott will be focused on French wine and will begin immediately.
"I am asking Americans not to buy, drink, or give French wine at all until they recover from their political amnesia. Nearly 200,000 American GI's died to liberate France from World War II alone," said Levine. "I have no opinion on Americans purchasing French cheese or bread, but no French wine. None!"
Levine noted that France's recent actions in opposition of America's U.N. efforts along with its continued flirtation with anti-Semitism, is the straw that broke the camel's back. Levine has been frustrated with France's "immeasurable ingratitude" for decades.
"I have turned my cheek probably twenty times in the last decade alone but France's recent conduct and continued indifference to anti-Semitism is for me, like many Americans, just beyond what I can support."
French wine accounts for 37% of foreign wine consumption in the US, which makes France the leader of foreign imports.
It is estimated that Americans consume some $821 million in French wine annually.
The organizational effort to boycott French wine will be called "Americans with a Memory."
To speak with publicist Michael Levine, please contact: Alex Storch - 310.248.6222 x10 or visit www.levinepr.com
Alex Storch (alex at levinepr.com) Levine PR 10333 Ashton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone : 310-248-6222 ext. 10
Levine PR Web Site <http://www.levinepr.com/>