Forces of Production

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Thu Jan 9 17:13:39 PST 2003

I doubt that I have ever used the phrase on this list (or any other for that matter) -- except perhaps (but I don't remember the topic coming up) in criticism of the idea that relations of production become a "fetter" on the forces of production. Marx unfortunately once used that phrase, but Thompson & Wood (among others) have quite persuasively shown that that proposition is incompatible with the whole thrust of Marx's thought.

I remember that in the old spoons list someone (not a marxist I think) brought up the old base/superstructure metaphor, and proceeded to equate base with forces of production and superstructure with relations of production. The base/superstructure metaphor was on the whole unfortunate, but it was never (or never needed to be) _that_ clumsy.

How in the hell did this phrase get into the conversation anyhow?


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