Hitch in WSJ

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Tue Jan 14 17:11:34 PST 2003

At 7:00 PM -0600 1/14/03, Peter K. wrote:
> >Peter K. wrote:
>>>I don't see him as a conservative. He accuses the leftist flacks for Saddam
>>>and Osama as acting conservatively, i.e. cowardly.
>>Who the fuck are these "leftist flacks for Saddam and Osama"? They
>>used to be best friends of the CIA, remember?
>>This sort of slur is cheap, lazy, and stupid. Does it ever embarrass
>>you to shadow Hitch's evolution from socialist to Bush fan?
>Sorry you feel this way. I think calling Hitchens a right-winger is
>cheap, lazy and stupid

There can be a great deal of difference between being a right-winger and being a conservative. -- Yoshie

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