``...Well I suppose I should have gone to the preliminary meetings this time to insist on accessible transport earlier on. So the excuse is that the private company who is renting the buses for tonight cannot get an accessible bus because the only one he knows of is in use on some other job....'' Marta
Yeah, well, you know, bullshit.
While was reading this, I wondered how to solve it. Is the LA-SF transportation free? Partly free, partly subsidized? Pay your own way on the charter? So how about renting a van with a lift, picking up a couple of other riders and re-charging the rental to the organizers? If they don't re-imburse you, hell sue them for the rental. You gotta know lawyers who would do it for fun. If you don't, I do.
Or even better, get a friend with a lift van and take along a couple of others and recharge or bill the organizers time and mileage as if it was a rental.
I don't know. Something along those lines.
Chuck Grimes