Community Colleges

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Mon Jan 20 06:06:58 PST 2003

> Ah, to hell with the elite universities, community colleges are where
> Lefties ought to be anyway -- training ordinary folks in the gentle art of
> Resistance. Isn't this comm coll/elite univ hierarchy thing mostly
> an East Coast thing, not really applicable to the West? Judging from
> job apps, some of the Left Coast schools are way cool.
> -- DRR

My wife teaches in a local community college, and Dennis is right -- her students are working people looking for something else, an education, an outlet, an edge, and she's opened them up to literature and arguments that they probably wouldn't find in the hallowed halls of elite U-s. And she's just applied to the local elite U to get her PhD, and the atmosphere there is primarily white (despite what Bush says) and privileged.


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