smoking, mass murder, etc

frank scott frank at
Thu Jan 23 14:15:37 PST 2003

"Banning smoking is completely barbaric. Fucking whiners."

does tobacco really rot the brain? "barbaric"? I mean, really, not being able to smoke in public is "barbaric"?

how about not being able to defecate or urinate in public? that must be worse than barbaric, since those are both natural and necessary body functions...

there is too much right-wing talk-don't-think radio at work here, telling frustrated people that suppression means only being able to smoke where people have sex, private...and that not being able to indulge wherever and whenever is some form of constitutional savagery...

after all, the declaration and preamble were all about the right to smoke in public...unless you were a slave...

no wonder we can murder people in foreign countries while debating which splinter group leads or follows the next demo-pep rally for our side.


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