SOTU ("Drink! Drink! Drink!")

budge budge at
Wed Jan 29 10:23:35 PST 2003

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 at 10:27am Carrol Cox wrote:
> > how many times did he say nu-ku-lar? jeezus.
> >
> Look, having fun with Bush's english (a) doesn't do
> anything to stop the war and (b) _does_ help build up the
> presuppositions and cliches that terribly hurt a lot of
> people whose huanity _and_ intelligence is not measured by
> their sophisticated command of language.

a) did i make the claim it would stop the war? no, i don't think so. and if the only things that should be posted to this list are things to stop the war, then *you* had better keep *your* mouse away from the send button.

b) i was not making fum of people poor educational or economic backgrounds, nor would i. bush went to one of the best prep schools in the country, and even had he not gone on to yale and harvard, that should have been *plenty* of education to guard against is stubborn illiteracy.

> I strongly recommend Patricia A. Dunn, _Leaning Re-Abled:
> The Learning Disability Controversy and Composition
> Studies_, Boynton/Cook Pub., 1995.

if you care to share what its about, i might have interest in reading it. but i am not your student and to not take reading assignments from you.

> There is a certain incoherence involved in on the one handendless
> wailing about "Leninist" elitism and on the other hand inability to
> resist the temptation to sneer at the intellectual capacity of others,
> whether they are presidents or conficts.

oh, a 'c'.

did i say something about "Leninist" elitism? no.

and 'd'

did i ridicule a convict, or a welfate mom? no, i ridiculed a son of privilege who wasted a spot in several very good schools that someone interested in learning misgt have used had his pasty ass not been taking up the space.

-- no Onan

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