Comcast rejects antiwar ad

Dennis Perrin dperrin at
Wed Jan 29 21:48:55 PST 2003


> What do you, Dennis Perrin, think? Do you really think that
> "professional feminists" and, of course, "abortionists" are
> actually interested in snuffing as many fetuses as possible?
> If not, what does it mean to be "pro-abortion"?

The modern women's, or feminist, movement, at least when it comes to organizations in the political sphere, has pretty much narrowed its main issue down to abortion. "Pro choice" is the one thing women apparently demand from a Dem candidate above all else. And most of us, I'm sure, have received our share of scare literature at election time from Planned Parenthood, NOW, etc. So it's not as if I'm exaggerating the focus on the inalienable right to toss what will be a child into a garbage can. The suggestion that I think of feminists as bloodthirsty is a nice (not cute) dodge, but in my experience in the political realm, there ain't a lot of tolerance for thinking abortion is wrong.

> I wonder if this is because 'them' shoot people and bomb
> clinics. When was the last time that you read that one of
> Randall Terry's acolytes was gunned down by a hairy legged
> feminazi from NARAL? Get back to me on who likes to do the
> us vs. them as a matter of policy.

The vast majority of anti-abortion activists do not shoot people and bomb clinics. And those who do should be arrested and tried for their crimes. On the other side, I once saw on "60 Minutes" a female abortion provider who used a shotgun to keep extremists from the militant Lambs of Christ off her property. But we really shouldn't allow our political and moral actions be solely determined by the criminal behavior of those who oppose us.

The hairy-leg cliché is cute. For the record, I saw maybe four unshaven wimmin in my travels through the professional left. Most were bourgeois and familiar with Lady Bic.


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