Abortion & Universal Health Care Re: Comcast...

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Jan 30 02:13:25 PST 2003

At 1:51 AM -0500 1/30/03, Michael Pollak wrote:
>Yes, and you know why we would have considered them inadequate? Because
>slavery was wholly wrong and the Vietnam war was wholly unjustified.
>So what makes this rhetorical form inadequate to slavery and war is
>exactly what makes it la phrase juste for abortion: because abortion isn't
>wholly wrong and isn't always unjustified. There is thus always a
>question to be settled. And after the larger trimestral limits have been
>set, those of us who favor this slogan feel the question involved should
>be settled privately rather than by the state.

The only problem is that I don't see how we can ever get to have universal health care that includes coverage of abortion by defending only women's right to decide, necessary as it still is to defend it.

It is unlikely that women in the USA will lose the right to have an abortion, as long as we can pay for it ourselves. What we need is more than the right to have one, though. We need universal health care that covers abortion; universal inclusion in medical training of how to provide abortions; providers of medical care, including abortion, within each reach of everyone; and cultural conditions that make terrorism and harassment against abortion providers unimaginable. -- Yoshie

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