Three points:
1. Pay inequality does involve a choice women make, albeit it is not the only factor invilved. Women tend to seek and accept lower paying job because they tend to scale their aspirations to what they perceive as more attainable. Of course, employers also tend to scale their pay schedule to the gender of the job holder. Barbara Reskin and Patricial Roos (_Jobs queues, gender queues_) call that process "queuing" i.e. both job apllicants and employers 'queue" or rank-order jobs and then match them with the perceived "fit" of different types of applicants (e.g. job A may be seen as much better than job B, a female applicant see herself as more "fit" for job B because she perceives she has more chance to get the job B than the job A, and th eemployer sees female candidates as better "fit" for job B because of sexist stereotypes).
2. Feminism got discredited when it put the bread and butter demands (cf. equal pay, equal opportunity, health care, abuse victim protection) into wacky lit crit.
3. A lot of women my daughter's age take the Camille Paglia's approach to feminism (the reason her book is still on my shelf is that I do not have a fireplace where this trash can be properly burned) - as a denial of female sex appeal - and openly embrace the most outragegously sexist symbols like the playboy bunny or the hooters for the fear of being "unpopular". Nauseating.