First: i don't lawyer bash (well i don't bash them anymore than any other profession including my own) so you can put your defensiveness away for now. i think your being defensive caused you to almost deliberately miss the point, which is that a HUGE amount of legal work will not benefit more from having a JD do it over a paralegal.
for example, when i got divorced i did my own. there were no children, no large shared asserts (no house), and the divorce decree complete with papist sounding legalese took a couple of pages of paper. it is legal for me to do my own, but it is not legal for my paralegal friend to help me do my own (so he, of course, didn't ;). but i just happened to be able to look at a copy of his divorce, heh, heh. as long as all the correct incantations are in there, there is nothing to go wrong with a simple no-fault divorce. so i could have paid a lawyer $300 to do this, or if i'd been allowed, i could have paid a paralegal, say $75, but in the end i did it myself. there is no value a lawyer could have added.
OTOH, when i got sued over a traffic accident, hell yes i hired an attorney to negotiate a settlement. and it was money well spent.
even in medicine, the gods are relinquishing some power to PA's and NP's. but not lawyers to paralegals or legal secretaries...
-- no Onan
"superior sound quality"