Bill, I have no interest at all in changing your mind and you seem to have no idea of, or do not want to understand, what I'm getting at, so this is my last post to you on this matter. I will just point out that:
(1) You can baldly assert whatever you like, but here is no way I will agree that I am "wrong" (oooh, ahh), because the matter in question is undoubtedly subject to interpretation, like _all_ documents, especially legal ones and; (2) Your grasp, or otherwise, of legal and linguistic matters is also shown by the fact that, from my experience as a journalist, I think the paragraph of yours above would meet the legal definition of libel in most, perhaps all, Australian states. Of course, I don't have the money, time or inclination to hire lawyers in two states to make you pull your head in, but --- in your own interests --- I suggest you are more careful in what you say to those who _are_ rich and/or powerful.