>andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> >
> > [clip] successful marketing calls for building
> > a smaller but very loyal base.
>Exactly what I've been arguing for years on this list: that at any given
>time we only reach those who in some important way already agree with
>us. This is always greeted by mindless catcalls to the effect that I
>only want to talk to ideological purists or something like that. But the
>only way to reach those who _don't_ already agree with us is to reach
>those who do agree and who personally know others who don't.
er, i don't know about anyone else, but i'd like to know why you don't know anyone who isn't a leftist who shares your views.
i don't think you've quite captured the essence of the real disagreement, though. the above would be a clue. it's not about whether they agree or not with important leftist ideas. it's about +how+ you think people come to a leftist consciousness at all. for you, the midwife is personal friendships and alliances (gemeinschaft). others disagree.
discuss among yourselves.
no gots the time for much more than that!