[lbo-talk] Homer Simpson, the greatest American

Chris Doss itschris13 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 16 07:28:16 PDT 2003

>From: "Maria Gilmore" <mgilmore at bigzoo.net>

>That's good. Jerry Springer is on Russian TV. A fine export from
>So what do they think?

Dunno. Never heard anyone talk about it.

Russian reality TV is out there. The equivalent of COPS, Doruzhny Patrol, is insane. This was on an actual episode:

Guy gets drunk and kills his wife, but she manages to bite his ear off in the struggle (this part not on camera, obviously). Guy takes off in drunken stupor. Daughter comes home and finds the body. She calls the cops, who arrive with camera crew in tow. The culprit is gone, but the police are able to follow the bloodstains out the door. Anyway, they find the guy passed out on a bench with no shirt on and blood all over the place.

The cops wake him up. "Hhhh?" "Hey, buddy, what happened to your ear?" "It wuz a dog." "Oh, yeah, a dog. Get in the van!"

"Know anything about your dead wife?" (Guy is just starting to sober up.) "Huh, what?" Cop hits him full-on in the face. "Know anything about your dead wife NOW?!"

Cop's partner turns to him and says, "Man, what are you doing?! We're on camera!"

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