I have zero sympathy towards anyone who committed such an act - period. So what that he "reformed himself" in the prison. Millions of people work hard to "reform themselves" to get out of their addictions, mental disorders, bad habits and so on, and nobody gives two shits about them. Why is it, then, that a murderous scumbug suddenly becomes a media celebrity when he "reforms himself"?
Such public displays of compassion toward criminals seem to be an utlimate form of elitism that involves fascination with freaks and the exotic. A housewife who "reformed herself" by divorcing her abusive husband, finished college while raisning her three kids alone and working a night shift - too common and boring. A violent freak who killed a few people in cold blood, an then learn the upper-class speak while in prison - now that is rare and exotic - hence worthy to be put in an elite collection of oddities.