From Etienne Balibar, in his post-Althusserian mode, in, "Masses, Classes and Ideas: Studies in Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx, " Routledge, 1994, pg. 199, as cited in fn. 27, pg. 194, of, "Fantasies of Salvation, " Princeton Univ. Press, 1998, by Romanian emigre, ex-Marxist social democrat, Vladimir Tismaneanu(see his 1st book, "The Crisis of Marxist Ideology In Eastern Europe: The Poverty of Utopia, " Routledge, 1988.
"According to Balibar, for whom class conflict remains the main interpretive paradigm of the political process, any form of nationalism is conducive to excesses:' I have never found any means to draw the line of demarcationbetween 'patriotism' and 'nationalism' or if you8 prefer between clean, moderate, defensive nationalism which only aims at preserving an identity, and dirty, excessive and aggressive nationalism which leads to imperialist policies or to internal oppression of ethnic minorities.' "
Tismaneanu, btw, published and reads quite widely across the ideological spectrum and crosses academic specialty borders. In the 80's, he contributed to Praxis International, a critical theory journal reviving the Yugoslav 60's magazine, "Praxis, " edited by Richard J. Bernstein, and Telos, still on the left then. Footnotes in the book I cited above, show Tismaneanu quoting from Zizek and Tariq Ali articles in New LKeft Review, and other left journals like New Politics and Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, that New Left Review writer, Peter Gowan, wrote for.
-- Michael Pugliese