Thanks for the compliment. What I particularly like about Henry Louis is that while he was an unabashed Germanophile and elitist, he was not a racist and used every opportunity to trash organized religion - which nicely sets his apart form most political sects in the US. Some libertarians and assorted techies claim him as their guru, but I think that is usurpation. And of course, his critique of the US "booboisie" is right on target.
OK - he did not like FDR - but well ... autres temps, autres moeurs. I suspect, however, that today HL would despise Bush jr. infinitely more because of Shrub's Europhobia and conspicuous christianity.
> so your posts are curmudgeon-filled, but did you get this
> particular image from the movie or invent it independently ?
The film, of course, which was a brilliant parody of creationism. The idea was that world history did not started with capitalism.