fox etc

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at
Thu Mar 6 08:45:40 PST 2003

I've always been fascinated by these guys. I used to watch one of the early precursors -- Morton Downey -- religiously. Drove my wife crazy. I listened to Michael Savage-Wiener for a while too -- he's by far the worst I've ever heard. I often listen to Liddy in the morning; he is perfectly vicious too but very sharply focused. Plus he doesn't take himself too seriously so he's easier to take. Savage insults multitudes on the slimmest of pretexts. The Salon piece on Savage -- his past as a Berkeley beatnik herbalist -- is very good.


Bottom line, Catherine: It's shit. Leaky rotting garbage shoveled nightly into the open mouths of hungry consumers. I don't blame O'Reilly for what he does. Hell, if people paid me millions a year to take a public dump on them, I'd readily oblige. How Doug can stand to watch such a thing, though, is beyond my jaded mind.


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