
Jim Farmelant farmelantj at juno.com
Fri Mar 7 12:28:08 PST 2003


I would have thought by now, that you realized that your old friend, Hitch, is a slimy piece of shit.

Jim F.

On Fri, 07 Mar 2003 14:57:14 -0500 Dennis Perrin <dperrin at comcast.net> writes:
> Well, you knew that after the Turkish vote, this was coming:
> "It may now be argued that, in order to shorten the period of
> hostilities with Saddam Hussein and minimize casualties, the Iraqi
> border should be secured from all directions. But the Turks do not
> propose to help guarantee this border or to protect those who live
> within it. Rather, they propose to cross the frontier for no better
> reason than to aggrandize themselves and to prolong the subjection
> of their own Kurdish population. This doesn't just disgrace the
> regime-change strategy. It actually destabilizes it. And it's
> humiliating to see the president begging and bribing the Turks to do
> the wrong thing and to see them in return reject his offer. He
> should take their ugly egotism and selfishness as a compliment to
> his policy, cut off their aid, leave them to put their own case to
> the European Union, and tell them to get out of Cyprus into the
> bargain. Then we could be surer that we were really 'remaking' the
> region."
> <http://slate.msn.com/id/2079633/>
> Now, I'm not one to look down upon critiques of the Turkish state,
> primarily its military, but Hitch's timing seems, um,
> non-coincidental. During the bombing of Serbia, I asked him how he
> could support Turkish pilots who were taking a breather from
> slaughtering Kurds to pound Serbs, given that Turkey's ethnic
> cleansing was far worse than Milosevic's. He muttered something
> about the European Union having a say, and that the important thing
> was to "get the job done." Now, ho ho, out comes the laundry list of
> Turkish crimes. He might have mentioned Turkey's growing military
> alliance with Israel (Israel gets a cameo in this column), but that
> could smear our loyal anti-terror ally Sharon. And unless Israel
> begs off Bush's war, such won't be coming from our humble
> correspondent.
> DP

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