>As I mentioned to you, after I started to get complaints that "you've sent
>us a dud link," one of the guys on my list was able to ascertain that Frist
>took the poll down, apparently because the responses from those of us who
>are not in lockstep with him and his Bushwhacking party pushed his poll
>into results he didn't want and didn't like -- so he simply took it down.
>He, along with his party, can have the WEASEL award for the week, and in
>the meantime, a number of us flamed him, the poll, the party, and
>the policies, by writing his "contact us," at
>Suggest you do the same and pass this along. Maybe he won't like the
>comments and will take down his website and go back to Tennessee and his
>Scopes trial.
>Did Frist give up?