The North Korean "Threat"

steve philion philion at
Mon Mar 10 16:04:32 PST 2003

Luke asks: OK, Justin, how exactly would Saddam be deterred from attempting to conquer Kuwait, or from going to war with Iran again?

--well, for starters, don't rehire the clowns in the US administration who encouraged Saddam to invade Iran or Kuwait. No, no, first acknowledge that, as many mainstream Iraq analysts have done...(you can read, say, Dilip Hiro's recent book on Iraq). We could also help in negotiations between Iran and Iraq, by which I mean play a positive role, instead of the negative role that we played leading up to the almost inevitable outcome of the invasion of Kuwait. Unless you're a lover of the Kuwaiti monarchy, what I've said really isn't too outside what is often enough acknowledged in the mainstream media by experts in their more honest moments. Of course, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to intimate that either the Repubs or the dems have a sincere interest in the problem of Saddam's regime's conduct, either domestically or internationally, this war is about far more than that, as should be obvious enough by now.


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