The Independent on Iraqi strategy

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Tue Mar 25 10:50:23 PST 2003

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Franks wanted a rerun of GW I, with weeks of bombing. Rummy
> told him not to be an unimaginative pussy and just go for it.

Of course Rummy's plan was premised on Shock and Awe working. Which it didn't.

There was also originally a compromise -- they'd do it Rummy's way but with Franks' amount of troops just in case. Except that opposition from other countries forced such serious diversions that half of Franks troops hadn't made it to the theatre by March 15th. So they had to do it entirely Rummy's way or -- horror -- maybe lose the chance to do it at all. Because once the weather got hot they'd have to wait 9 months. And by then the inspectors would have had all the time they needed.


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