RES: Ugly Ugly Ugly

Alexandre Fenelon afenelon at
Tue Mar 25 15:20:38 PST 2003

Alexandre, no matter how badly I would like to put the "evil empire" on its back foot, I can't bear to see any more casualties, POWs, and senseless fighting - on either side. Watching this war, and the rapid decline of this nation, is having serious emotional effects on me.

-I understand your feelings. If my government started an agression war, -against a defenseless nation I would be quite depressed too. However, -once the USA started this war, the best possible outcome for humanity -is a USA defeat. As military defeat is impossible, it should at least -led to a political defeat. This means the USA must suffer heavy losses -and be involved in a prolonged occupation in a hostile country. No -other possible outcome will stop that bunch of Fundamentalists who took -power in the USA. It´s ugly, but true....

Alexandre Fenelon

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