> From: Michael Pollak <mpollak at panix.com>
> Subject: Guardian: Shias love us so much they're coming home
> [To fight against us]
> Iraqi exiles put patriotism first as they return home to fight invaders
As an enthusiastic collector of records, I really hope the American leadership thought, honestly, that they were going to liberate the Shi'ites. The Americans! liberate the Shi'ites! That has to be the most hare-brained idea in human history. You'd think Bush has been possessed by Howard Hughes.
Just read that the Iraqis are heading south to be minced by the US army. What a bunch of idiots. With tactics like that, they will let the Americans snatch a victory from the jaws of a pyrrhic victory. Or maybe that spooky aeronautics.ru web site is not just black propaganda for the Russian arms industry.
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