IndyMedia Contributor claims Audience Response to Michael Moore speech faked ?

Steven mailinglist at
Wed Mar 26 11:51:02 PST 2003

Don't know who Cheryl Seal is, but this is an interesting take. I haven't heard any other similar comments elsewhere, but given this, I think I'll watch the clip of Moore's speech again.

CHERYL SEAL Indymedia Report


When Michael Moore delivered his blast of the Bush Reich at the Oscars, he was, in reality, given a standing ovation and hearty applause. But, to hear the soundbyte presented on the network news, you'd never know it. All you can hear are boos...which, in fact, came from about five people, from eyewitness accounts.


...The network coverage of Moore (all 3 seconds of it) shows Moore briefly, then, while cutting to a handful of stony-faced people, cranks up the volumne on the five booers. The result: a totally false statement: Moore's speech was met by boos and grim silence, not by enthusiasm and a standing ovation


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