I liker your spelling, Justin ;-)
Kristin Luker. <URL: http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/1832.html >
Michael Pugliese, ah the "merely cultural."
P.S. Re: Dixie Chicks> Merle Haggard (as well as Johnny Cash and Roseanne
Cash) are against the war. Check the archives for a SF Bay Guardian piece
by Derk Richardson where he interviews Merle on, "Okie From Muskogee, "
that I posted here last yr. Merle might not be as left as Kris
Kristofferson <URL: http://www.sfbg.com/36/40/art_music_kristofferson.html
> or Steve Earle, but Country is not monolithically rightist. (Cf. a 1974
article in the neo-marxist journal, Science & Society on Hank Williams, Sr.
by Tim Patterson, if memory serves. Patterson wrote later Again, if memory
serves!) for, "Theoretical Review, " the Tucson, AZ. M-L, Althusserian
journal, that had a piece or two approving of punk rock. An acquaintance in
SF, also named Tim, who I saw recently at a party of my long-time comrade
Eric Kirk (where I was on my best not to argue with an elderly relative of
his in the WWP,<URL:http://www.workers.org/ww/2002/sf0815.php > ) was on
the editorial collective of Theoretical Review. Once when I asked about TR
and it's blend of Maoism, Althusserianism and cultural radicalism, said
they all did way too much acid.