Charles Brown, being his usual nuanced self>...whatever the Iraqis have done in totally legitimate self-defense against such horrendous slaughter. Yo mamas wear combat boots and raised you in Spartanic rituals, Yankee dogs !
Now, I have to admit that I've been rooting for the Iraqi resistance (even with all my loathing of the Ba'athist totalitarian fascism, derived mostly from reading, "Republic of Fear, " and, "Cruelty and Silence, " by Kanan Makiya) but, how does one think, the average AmeriKKKan reader will see this from the SF Chronicle?
Iraq Hints At Terrorism Vice president says "we will follow the enemy into its land." <URL: bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/03/29/international1405EST0602.DTL > Suicide attacker kills four U.S. troops; Iraq says bomber was army officer, threatens more such attacks ALMIN KARAMEHMEDOVIC, Associated Press Writer -- Michael Pugliese
"Without knowing that we knew nothing, we went on talking without listening to
each other. Sometimes we flattered and praised each other, understanding that
we would be flattered and praised in return. Other times we abused and shouted
at each other, as if we were in a madhouse." -Tolstoy