Hutton: Blair and the US hard right

Jeet Heer jeet at
Sun Mar 30 10:33:29 PST 2003

The whole neo-con versus paleo-con battle is very intersting to me. It first errupted in the late 1980s over Joseph Sobran's anti-Zionism, which eventually got him expelled from National Review and then, on a much bigger scale, when Buchanan criticized Israel's "amen corner" in 1990/91 at the cusp of the first Gulf War. At that time, as now, Frum denounced Buchanan and his allies as anti-Semites, etc. During that debate, I was much more sympathetic to the neo-cons than the paleo-cons. I saw the neo-cons as revisionists liberals, and therefore part of the enlightenment project. Whatever their retrogressive views on gender, race and secual orientation, they still partook of rationality, while the paleo-cons seemed like the party of pure bigotry. Yet, over the last decade, as it became increasingly evident neo-cons are as irrational as the paleo-cons, only in a different way. The neo-cons are fellow-travellers of Likud and therefore eager to have the United States "re-make" the Middle East to be more amenable to both Israel and the United States. To me, this project seems like simply folly and madness -- the point being that it was a mistake to believe that any one faction of the conservative movement is more "rational" than another.

----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Pugliese <debsian at> To: lbo-talk <lbo-talk at> Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 1:10 PM Subject: Re: Hutton: Blair and the US hard right

> Doi! Forgot to mention that David Frum has a long cover piece,
> "Unpatriotic Conservatives: A War On America, " in the latest National
> Review, cover date, bashing the paleo-cons over the war.<URL:
> >
> --
> Michael Pugliese

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