[lbo-talk] Taliban appears to be regrouped and well-funded

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu May 8 10:37:45 PDT 2003

At 11:17 AM -0400 5/8/03, Chris Doss wrote:
>>I am rather surprised at how quickly the US seems to have gotten bored of
>>its Afghan toy. I expected at least some kind of token effort to develop the
>>country and forestall just this sort of - entirely predictable - problem. Do
>>you think that the Russians will be proven right in their forecasts of doom
>>and withdrawal for the US forces?
>Only if they actually try to occupy and develop the whole country,
>like the USSR did (would be interesting to compare the differences
>between Soviet and us "rebuilding"). The USSR took Afghanistan in
>something like, what, two weeks? Then it tried to centralize control
>in Kabul and impose order on the country. Doesn't look like to US is
>trying to centralize anything. They're just holed up in the capital.

They can't afford to centralize control of Afghanistan and Iraq -- not enough money, not enough manpower. Besides, they probably don't need to, for their purposes. -- Yoshie

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