[lbo-talk] decentralization, Whole Foods style

J Cullen jcullen at austin.rr.com
Thu May 29 09:53:24 PDT 2003

One of the problems in a large part of the country is that there are no unionized groceries, particularly in "right to be fired" states like Texas. In Austin I am unaware of any union grocery shops (the local AFL-CIO didn't know of any, either). Safeway, which I think is the largest union grocery chain, appears to be trying to bust its unions. It owns Randall's and Tom Thumb in Texas but I don't think the groceries in Austin are unionized. (If anybody knows differently, please let me know.)

There is the venerable Co-op near UT, but it is impractical for me to use. Austin has a couple Sun Harvest Foods stores, which is owned by Wild Oats out of Boulder, Colo. I don't think Sun Harvest is unionized but does anybody know what Wild Oats' labor relations are like?

-- Jim Cullen

>jfisher at pop.igc.org wrote:
>>i always thought it ironic that i could buy organic coffee from latin
>>american coops at whole foods. the irony is lost on the company --
>>apparently it's good to
>>support coffee coops, but not union grocery shops.
>So why don't you buy your yuppie organic coffee from a unionized
>store or an independent co-op?

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