Michael Dawson -PSU mdawson at pdx.edu
Mon Nov 3 13:13:50 PST 2003

Q: How does African poverty today contribute to European and North American wealth?

Companion Q: How does G7 wealth contribute to African poverty?

African poverty ---> G7 wealth: -- sales of African labor-power and other commodities to G7 at prices G7 sellers would never tolerate, if the roles were reversed -- lack of African good examples helps ensure status quo in world order -- lack of African economic growth and prosperity keeps the question of the historical/ecological impossibility of perpetual capitalism off the agenda a while longer: If Africa stays poor, G7 elites can buy more time tricking people into believing we live within a sustainable techno-economic order. If Africa starts getting rich, this question eventually hits the agenda. (Nod and wink to China...)

G7 wealth ---> African poverty -- G7 powers refuse to acknowledge the importance of timing and early "import substitution" policies in their own success; hence they deny that these two factors are now even bigger factors in places like Africa. Africa must try to parlay itself into a billionaires' poker game that has already been played. Late starts and IMF-imposed export orientation cause Africa's astounding and worsening socio-economic crisis. There is no other game for Africa to play. -- There has been no reverse flow of grant aid to repair the damage done by slavery and colonialism.

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