The rationale is that the USA is Canada's biggest trading partner, so if they find a job with a company that exports, chances are that most if not all of the exports will go to the USA.
I want to touch upon the legal and social environments mostly, but am willing to discuss anything that is important. In the past I have discussed the politics behind the US love-hate relationship with free trade, but never have I discussed what it is like to be "AN AMERICAN". It always surprises me what a barrier the border is to my students. Many students never venture across just to explore during their 4 year stay here. Concepts like the Pledge of Allegiance are completely foreign to them. Should I include that? The importance of the 2nd amendment? Will any that help them relate to American co-workers and/or bosses in the future??
I am completely lost and my requests for info from the Department of Foreign affairs and Trade have been fruitless. HELP!