Meanwhile Mead, Kinsey, Marcuse and Dewey are top of the worst, followed by Adorno, Chompsky, and below them are Fisk, Galbraith, and Keynes. Somewhere near the bottom are Popper, Rawls and Rorty. Is the bottom of the worst better than or worse than the top of the worst? What's with the righwing loathing of Margaret Mead? Women on sex and matriarchy, I guess.
They take a stab at Neil Sheehan for the Pentagon Papers, ``Publicizing the blunderings of `The Best and the Brightest' did nothing but undermine the new President Nixon's statesmanlike efforts to salvage the mess in Vietnam bequeath to him by JFK and LBJ.''
The race agenda is there, but disguised with Cleaver and Bernel on the Worst side and Booker T. Washington on the Best side. Interestingly Malcolm X gets on the bottom of the Best list for trashing the welfare system! Does this mean Reverend Farrakhan can apply for a faith based initiative grant?
Chuck Grimes