[lbo-talk] "Left" Believers In Warren Report

Brian Siano siano at mail.med.upenn.edu
Sat Nov 22 08:34:43 PST 2003

dredmond at efn.org wrote:

>Quoting Bob Feldman <bob_jan at xensei.com>:
>>Without understanding the role that secret conspiracy has played in U.S.
>>political life, historically and currently, certain U.S. "left" pundits will
>>continue to possess limited consciousness of how power really operates in
>>capitalism and what must be really be done to overthrow capitalism.
>Utter nonsense. Capitalism doesn't rule by conspiracies; it doesn't need to. The
>commodity form is its own ideology.
>The US Left is in sad-ass shape because we haven't forged an effective class
>politics (meaning: unions with teeth, a welfare state, etc.). Getting there
>requires rebuilding the union movement, creating Left parties, and fostering a
>radical, anti-capitalist culture. Endless re-readings of the Zapruder tapes
>don't help.
I can't agree more, and I sent Shane a note saying how I agreed with his assessment of conspiracy-mongering.

Every so often, something odd about the Kennedy assassination will come across my desk, and I'll be fascinated for a short while. But then reason reasserts itself, and I decide to go find something more important and less baroque to occupy myself with. Frankly, one could get more fun from activities that are amazingly similar to JFK-speculation-- say, speculating about future episodes of _Star Trek: Enterprise_, puzzling out just what _did_ happen with the _Matrix_ movies, or deciding whether Edward de Vere or Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare

It happened forty years ago, and even if one _were_ to find a "solution" that satisfied nearly everybody, it wouldn't affect our political lives one bit.

As far as I'm concerned, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

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