"When cunning hares are all caught it is the turn of the faithful hound to be killed for meat."
A bit of wisdom which may apply to the Bush crowd soon, as well as soon--to-be-Gov. Schwartzenegger's crowd. At any rate, if this proverb (I'm not sure if it is originally Chinese or Japanese) reflects the original meaning of the term, it would seem to refer to dogs that run alongside the hunter and help him by snatching the fallen game.
Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org __________________________________ A gentleman haranguing on the perfection of our law, and that it was equally open to the poor and the rich, was answered by another, 'So is the London Tavern.' -- "Tom Paine's Jests..." (1794); also attr. to John Horne Tooke (1736-1812) by Hazlitt