[lbo-talk] but my gosh, they sound so radical, they must be left!!

Stephen E Philion philion at hawaii.edu
Wed Oct 29 17:24:39 PST 2003

Dig in Joseph! Accuracy In Media, why they love the left and the liberal elite press!Stephen, Shane, Chip and I will return ;-)

--this is the interesting thing about the nervous reactions to describing moorer or oliver or ruppert etc. as right wing. it's hard for some to understand that within the right there is division over certain issues, strategies, etc. it doesn't change their right wing orientation, merely styles. thus a kissinger can't stand a ruppert...or a powell who can't stand a moorer, singlaub... But there's nothing really strange here, after all, as Lembcke noted in his book on CNN's Tailwind Tale, the hallmark of the far right/fascist elements is to appropriate socialist rhetoric for non-socialist aims.

i'm reminded of a talk given by Val Burris on the mcdonaldization of right wing think tanks...you can have one think tank pushing for school prayer and another think tank pushing for freedom from religion...both funded by Coors...


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