[lbo-talk] Defining terrorism

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at dodo.com.au
Wed Oct 29 20:58:59 PST 2003

At 5:17 PM -0800 29/10/03, Dwayne Monroe wrote:

>Ironically, the US State Department's own definition
>of terrorism would, if applied - without the careful
>wording used to exempt nation-states - to the actions
>of the US, also lead to criminal proceedings.
>In it's annual terrorism report, the State Department
>defines terrorism as: "Premeditated, politically
>motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant
>targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents,
>usually intended to influence an audience."
>The much lauded (till recently) "shock and awe"
>campaign alone would surely qualify the current
>Washington administration for the docket.

Tony Parkinson (see below) accuses me in return of "despair and defeatism". Perhaps he's right, I'm certainly not very optimistic. On reflection, that is a shortcoming.

But, Tony, if you mean to imply that the death and suffering inflicted by states when they go to war are somehow accidental or unforseen - then I suspect you of evasiveness, more than naivety. They know perfectly well (and so do you) that, when they fire missiles or drop bombs on an oil refinery, a power station, or a pharmaceutical factory, civilians will be maimed and killed. That's the point of "shock and awe", surely? To demonstrate that you can inflict mayhem on other people with total impunity. To persuade them that resistance is futile, the only realistic option is to give up and do as the great power demands. The likes of Osama Bin laden are but a pale imitation of such state terrorism.

But I concede Tony has a point. His article has a better chance of success in outlawing terrorism (both state sponsored terrorism and that by "subnational groups") than my defeatist attitude. It can't do any harm to try.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

>From: "Tony Parkinson" <tparkinson at theage.fairfax.com.au>
>To: "Bill Bartlett" <billbartlett at dodo.com.au>
>Subject: Re: Defining terrorism
>Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 13:09:27 +1100
>thaks, bill. do the words deliberate and calculated
>have no meaning?
>accuse me of naivete, if you will, but isn't yours the counsel of despair
>and defeatism? regards.

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