[lbo-talk] Life in Baghdad

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Thu Sep 18 14:56:03 PDT 2003

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:47:20 -0700, joanna bujes <jbujes at covad.net> wrote:

> Life in Baghdad...
> http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EI19Ak02.html
> Joanna

http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EI19Ak02.html >...Elvis-Saddam continues to operate in the bowels of the Iraqi capital itself...

Just as credible as Brad's, "Who Benefit's?, " logic http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/wwn/newsstand.cfm , Saddam Hides Out In Baghdad. Shocking Video Shows Him Cleaning Toilets in Baghdad!

Yes, given that synagogue bombings in Iraq in the 50's, have been credibly linked to Mossad, I can see why Brad and Joanna and Hakki, "Khaddafi didn't do Lockerbie, " could assert as Diana Johnstone did in In These Times in the 80's after a Paris synagogue bombing had the fingerprints of Mossad on it. But, could not the the UN HQ and/or mosque massacre be the work of Hizbollah, Sh'iite factions opposed to the dead Ayatollah Hakim of SCIRI, Al-Ansar, ex-Mukharabat officers?

A swedish trotskyist I kibbitz w/ on occasion via e-mail, w/ many contacts among the various exile Iraqi and Kurdish leftist circles, as well as Lebanese and Jordanian leftists, when I passed on a Teheran Times piece alleging Mossad perfidy said that a great weakness in Arab and Persian political culture, on the mass and elite level, is a habitual recourse to conspiracy theories. Because of it, the defeat of '67, was a great shock. Far from supporting his political line (though I half expect Brad to make an amalgam as the Trotskyists say Stalinists do), but, Daniel Pipes, in "The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy, " http://www.danielpipes.org/books/hidden.php http://www.danielpipes.org/books/hiddenchap.php documents hundreds of examples. Became aware of the book after Jeffrey Bale cited it in his column in, "Hit List." Jeffrey, is on the left, though like his friend Kevin Coogan, has become over the yrs. more than bit skeptical of leading assumptions of the archetypal Pacifica Radio listening audience. He wrote a great dissertation, under Peter Dale Scott, at UC, Berkeley, on a real State conspiracy, the "strategy of tension, " of the Italian far right, in league w/ the P-2 Masonic Lodge and other elements of the Italian State, whose most infamous crime was the bombing of a train station that killed over 80. http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/articles/l29consp.htm 'Conspiracy Theories' and Clandestine Politics by Jeffrey M. Bale From Lobster 29

> ...At present I am in the process of completing a huge book manuscript on
> transnational
neo-fascist networks and the terrorist 'strategy of tension' in Italy, and am proceeding with research for another book on the clandestine network of paramilitary organizations established throughout Cold War Europe (such as "Gladio" in Italy). I am also organizing and co-editing two collective works, one on Cold War Guerrillas and the other on Religious Cults and Extremist Politics. In addition, I am preparing articles on the Eurofascist role in "Operación Condor" assassinations in South America (and beyond) during the late 1970s and early 1980s; the paramilitary dimensions of the secret South African CBW program, Project Coast; Jean Thiriart's Jeune Europe network and its successors; and – perhaps most importantly – the extensive array of Islamist networks, overt and covert, that are currently operating in the West...

One last note, I expect Hakki denies that the Iranian Islamic Republic reps. in Argentina did not do the synagogue bombing there either.

-- Michael Pugliese

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