Deborah wrote:
>What generic employers don't care about is whether or not you made
>Phi Beta Kappa or a complete CV listing of publications, awards, etc.
> Business people are suspicious of academics. In interview
>situations, the former academic attempting to move into a business
>environment might want to use the argument that, while they enjoyed
>their time in academia, it cannot offer a sustainable wage and there
>are other things you'd like to accomplish in your life that academia
>cannot provide. *You have to know your audience.* Employers are
>wary that academics will return to academia; you should convince them
>that you have a materialistic side that outweighs your love of
>teaching Canterbury Tales to college seniors.
Yeah, I agree completely with Deborah. I didn't mean not to put
education on resume -- just put it last and don't belabor the details.