>>MSNBC is supposed to be goddamnleftwingliberalmedia, right? They seemed
>>to trash Moore left and right that night.
>Are you kidding? MSNBC left? Left of what?
it was a joke. there's another list to which four of us subscribe and that was recently a joke at the conservatives who constantly wail about leftwing fascist bias in the news media. but it IS considered the leftwing of television media, isn't it? which makes it what? to the right of lieberman? :)
>(Please, spare me the million posts of how Moore foments racism etc... I'm
>perfectly well aware of his limitations. At the same time, he has done
>more to revive muckraking in this country and to revive the notion that
>the working class is entitled to something than anyone else I can think of.)
well, not to exploit my chillens, but they didn't feel the film was racist at all. but i suppose you mean racist toward the middle east?
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'