>let me make it as simple for your enuied self as i can: if it isn't what
>you call "capitalism" it would be something else. just like every other
>black -- as cosby pointed out -- in this racist society you're simply going
>to have to suck it up and work harder.
>i get the impression you don't like cosby because he's talking about you.
>you'd much rather argue against whites you believe you can con than blacks
>who call your bluff because they know your blow is a dead end.
Charles: the answer is a resounding, "NO!"
I've never thought it wise to tell someone they ought to apologize to someone else on list. I think it's a worthless exercise. But, given that this diatribe strikes me as one long personal attack I'll make an exception. This is nothing but a nasty attack on someone you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. Dwaye, in fact, appears to have achieved a great deal in his life and who may well do far more than you'll ever know to help "his own" and has certainly, how can anyone imagine he hasn't, had to endure racist crap all his life.
I suggest suggest that you find the nuggets of real criticism in your post--if you can--and apologize for the personal attacks that litter this post like the trash white people throw in poor neighborhoods when they're too cheap to pay for disposal at a wasteyard.
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'